The Importance Of Being Present

In today’s busy modern lives filled with distractions, it can be difficult to find quality time to spend fully engaged with family. Between work, household responsibilities, devices, and children’s activities, our attention is often divided. While we may be physically present, we’re not always as mentally and emotionally present with our loved ones as we could be.

But being truly attentive, in the moment, and engaged when you are with your family should be a top priority. Those shared interactions are invaluable for strengthening relationships, facilitating childhood development, and forming deeper bonds.

The Benefits of Presence for Children

Numerous studies have shown that when parents are able to be fully interactively involved with children, without distractions, it has hugely positive impacts on their emotional wellbeing and growth.

Children require face-to-face engagement and undivided attention from parents to build confidence and feel valued. This allows parents to be responsive in real-time to their child’s needs.

Research has found children who regularly play and converse with parents who are fully attentive have higher self-esteem, better coping abilities, healthier friendships, and lower levels of anxiety and depression. Kids need to know their parents are tuning in to what they say and do.

The American Academy of Pediatrics notes “Engaged parents promote security, curiosity, social skills, resilience, and problem-solving in their children.” Presence and responsiveness facilitate optimal development.

Strengthening Bonds with a Spouse

Presence is equally important for nurturing a strong relationship between spouses or partners. It’s easy for busy parents to start living parallel lives focused on work, hobbies, and devices rather than connecting.

But research shows couples who set aside regular, uninterrupted time together to talk, share activities, and engage in bonding experiences have higher relationship satisfaction.

Presence with a spouse fosters intimacy through true empathy, insight into their needs, shared interests, and a sense of priority. Feeling understood and valued builds trust and security.

Tips for Being More Present with Family

  • Here are some tips for minimizing distractions and being more engaged with your loved ones:
  • Establish device-free “family time” for conversations and joint activities
  • Schedule regular date nights or getaways without kids
  • Set device curfews and eliminate distractions during family time
  • Give your full attention when speaking, make eye contact
  • Ask thoughtful questions that show interest in their lives
  • Cook, garden, play sports, and find shared hobbies
  • Focus on being a positive role model of presence for kids
  • Start small, like with a long walk talking, then build up mindfully

Being Present is a Gift

Truly showing up focused, attentive, and engaged when you are with your family is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. This presence helps meet the fundamental human needs for attention, empathy, security, and value in the parent-child relationship.

While devices, work, and other obligations vie for your focus, prioritizing protected quality time together must remain a priority. The effort you put in today to be in the moment with your spouse and children allows your most important relationships to thrive now and for years to come.